Saturday, December 31, 2011

Making Resolutions

I normally do not make resolutions. I mean, what's the point? I know I won't keep them and then I will just feel crummy about my lack of willpower. But this year is an exception to that rule. I am resolving to resolve this year! So here are my resolutions in no particular order.
  1. To blog once a week, with my sisters Megan and Whitney! 
  2. To lose weight. I can no longer blame Camdyn for my waistline and I need to lose this extra ring around my middle ASAP. I'll be running with my teammates every week, so they'll help kick my tail.
  3. To move forward with my life. My focus will be on Camdyn and my relationship with the Lord. 
These are three goals I think know are accomplish-able. Here's to 2012! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Forever Changed

The Lord gives and takes away - still my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be your name.

The past few months have forever changed me. My marriage has crumbled around me and I am left tattered and broken. My heart aches for my husband and what was once our happy life together. My heart aches for the life my baby girl will have to face without her daddy by her side every day. This is not the life I had chosen to be living, yet, here I am.

I will spare you any of the gory details, but know that while my heart is tattered and broken, my faith in Him is not. God has a plan, even in the midst of divorce, and in this too I will seek to glorify His name.