Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Letter to Camdyn on her 8th birthday

Dear Camdyn,
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray
Last night, I kissed goodnight my seven year old baby and woke up this morning to an eight year old! I can’t believe how BIG you are! It seems like just yesterday the doctors were handing you to me for the first time!
As a 7 year old, you completed your second grade year. Your teacher was Mrs. Anderson and you fell in love with flamingoes because of her classroom theme. She taught you so much and you adored coming to school every day. The best lesson you learned in school this year though was to believe in yourself! Mrs. Anderson showed you that you could do ANYTHING (even hard math) when you believed in yourself!  
As a 7 year old, you went on a great adventure. This year on our States Tour Road Trip, we went to Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, & Tennessee . This brings your grand total of states visited to 17. Your favorite stop on this trip is a tie between Biloxi, Mississippi (you LOVED Ship Island), Houston, Texas (you are now a huge Astros fan), and Memphis, Tennessee (who knew you would love Elvis so much)!  I hope you always remember these trips and will one day travel the US with your own children! I am so thankful that we take these trips together each year.
Camdyn, you are my absolute treasure! Being your momma is the greatest blessing! You are kind, funny, sarcastic, a great story teller, a beautiful writer, an eager reader, a loving soul, and a sweet friend!
You are beautiful, inside and out. Proverbs 31:30 says that “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” As you grow older, I continue to pray for you to discover the importance of your inner beauty. My continued prayer is for people see you as beautiful because of your kindness towards others and your passion for Christ. I pray that you would pursue the heart of a servant, love others more than yourself, and reflect the love of Christ in every aspect of your life. Always remember our motto: God first. Others second. Ourselves last.
I love you so much and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for your 8-year-old self!
Happy Birthday, Camdyn McKinley!


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