Friday, July 26, 2019

A Letter to Camdyn on her 9th Birthday!

Dear Camdyn,

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray

I can not fathom that today you are NINE! You are a beautiful little girl, inside and out. I am unbelievably proud of who you are. You are kind, friendly, honest, trustworthy, and loving. You are quick to defend others and you believe that everyone should be treated fairly. I love how you show love to others! You are quick to apologize and extend forgiveness graciously. You are fiercely independent. You want to help me with chores like laundry and cooking, for which I gladly share responsibilities with you! You adore dancing, singing, cheering and gymnastics. Your busy schedule keeps me on my toes. You are so quick-witted, and you constantly make me laugh.

Just a few short weeks ago you chose to follow Christ and you gave your life to Him. That decision was the single most important decision you will ever make, and my heart is filled with joy. You are a daughter of the King and my sister in Christ. What beautiful words those are to write. That decision to follow Christ won’t be a popular one. Your faith will be tested repeatedly, and I pray that you stand firm on the foundation you know to be true. Your God is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think. Hold tightly to His word and the truth of scripture.

Sometimes when I look at you, I have to catch my breath. I can’t believe how incredibly blessed I am to be your momma. You are such a blessing and I am so grateful to the Lord for Him entrusting me with your life. You are rapidly growing into a young woman and while I long to freeze time, I am simultaneously excited to watch your future unfold. You, my sweet girl, are going to move mountains.

Happy Birthday, Camdyn McKinley!

I love you always,



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